New Open Position!
How does microplastic impact the soil biophysical environment? Apply for a PostDoc position with me and we can find out together at ETH! Looking forward to developing some cool new analytical tools and assessing microplastic as a global change factor!

Postdoc Researcher – Influence and impacts of microplastic in soil ecosystems
Here we aim to understand the interactions of nanoplastic and microplastic particles and fibers made from conventional and biodegradable polymers with soils and assess the impact of plastic on basic soil processes and function. We plan to elucidate how the presence of (micro)plastic affects plant-microbiome-soil interactions under current climate conditions, as well as under heat and water stresses. Several experimental variants will be performed to determine which factor(s) may have the strongest impacts on physiochemical differences throughout the system, including plant growth and fitness, soil wetness and soil respiration.
This project will bring together understanding of colloid behavior in topologically complex environments such as soils, the development of novel analytical and experimental techniques and the understanding of soil processes and how they relate to global environmental changes. The diverse nature of plastic research will allow the Postdoc an opportunity to perform multidisciplinary research, including environmental science, analytical chemistry, chemical engineering and materials science. In addition, the Postdoc will have opportunities for developing their skills in scientific communication through presentations at conferences, writing scientific papers, and advising junior scientists (Masters and PhD students). The position is fully funded for 2 years, though an extension may be possible through securing additional fellowship funding. Postdoc salaries are in accordance with ETH standards.