Special Events
Microplastics Workshop for Early Career Researchers

external page For further details, see the conference website here!
Conference: Impacts of (micro)plastic on Freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems
Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland

Workshop for early career researchers: Best practices and expert insights
Athens, Greece June 14 -17
external page Check out the workshop website here!
The overarching goal of this workshop is on increased interaction between students (Ph D candidates, early stage Postdocs) and field-leading experts. Through a series of novel and targeted interactive development and break-out sessions, we strive for active participation of a wide variety of scientists from different backgrounds to increase our collective understanding on the most important research questions in the field and up-to-date approaches in tackling microplastics research. In this way, the early career researchers not only have the opportunity to learn more about the scientific and methodological research and expand their scientific network by intense communication in small circles, but also learn career building skills which they can put into practice in their daily work.
This workshop will have three main foci to help early career researchers become more knowledgeable in the field of environmental microplastics studies and be better equipped to be competent and confident researchers in the future. These include 1) key-note lectures by experts highlighting the state of the art in the field, 2) interactive sessions between students and experts for more in-depth scientific discussions and increased networking amongst participants and 3) student development sessions, where lectures are given to help students have the information and tools they need to work in the field of academic science.

Online Workshop on Microplastic Research - Wednesday June 2, 2021
Best Practices and Expert Insights
Are you a Ph D student or early career researcher working with microplastics, who has attended a million Zoom conferences this past year with limited one-to-one interaction? Do you want to learn more about what makes a strong publication and how to design your experiments and display your data in a meaningful and powerful way? Do you want a chance to chat with more people in the field and know your international colleagues better? Come join us for this one day workshop!
Morning Session
Expert talks on:
- Setting the scene on how to do good science
- What to consider when making a strong publication
- Experimental conceptualization and design
- Quality control: definitions and implementation
- Public outreach and communication
- Connection to policy
Afternoon Session
Interactive breakout rooms lead by experts in the field on:
- Aqueous samples: sample collection, processing, contamination and blank controls
- Soil samples: sample collection, processing, contamination and blank controls
- Characterization methods: Spectroscopic, thermal
- Ecotoxicity: Exposure, dose response, endpoints and metrics
- Plastic degradation and co-contaminants (leaching, sorption, etc.)
- Reference materials and standardization
- And many more!


Registation and participation is FREE, however, we can only accept a maximum of 120 participants and will strive to have a diverse group of individuals based on topics of interest. Given that there is limited availability, please only register if you are available to attend. Registration will remain open until May 19th, and students will be informed shortly after this date of final acceptance to the workshop.
external page Register using this link to provide your contact details and topics of interest. You should select at least 4 topics of interest (to cover the four break-out sessions), but you are welcome to choose more if applicable. We will then do our best to match your interest(s) to available places in each break-out session
Organizing Committee

Prof. Denise M. Mitrano - Assistant Professor of Environmental Chemistry of Anthropognic Materials - ETH Zurich - Switzerland

external page Dr. Stephan Wagner - Group Leader, Institute for water and energy management - Hochschule Hof - Germany

external page Dr. Andreas Gondikas - Group Leader (GSRT fellow) - Ethnikon kai Kapodistrikon Panepistimon Athinon - Greece

external page Dr. Karin Mattsson - Researcher, Department of Marine Sciences - University of Gothenburg - Sweden