New publication: Multi-generation exposure to polystyrene nanoplastics showed no major adverse effects in Daphnia magna
Acute exposure and toxicity studies play an important role in understanding hazard, but longer-term multi-generational studies are needed to assess pollutants which we know will persist in the environment for a long time, like nanoplastics.
Denise gives keynote lecture at European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectroscopy
Wicked great week in Slovenia, bringing microplastics research to the EWCPS2023 with a keynote lecture and a birthday weekend of nordic skiing in the mountains
New publication: Extraction and concentration of nanoplastic particles from aqueous suspensions using functionalized magnetic nanoparticles and a magnetic flow cell
Techniques are needed to upconcentrate nanoplastics from water samples for easier analysis. Here we explore some initial steps towards developing extraction approaches