Interactions of Particles with Biota
While the ECAM group is not an (eco)toxicology lab, we have strong and close interactions with ecotoxicologists and biolgoists to understand the fate and impacts of particles (nanoplastics, microplastics, natural and engineered nanopartilces) with living systems. With this cross-disciplenary work, we bring our understanding of particle chemistry and analytical tools to better assess particle behavior in a range of context.
Select projects in this research line
- Uptake and impacts of nanoplastic with external page plants
- Uptake and impacts of nano- and microplastics with a wide range of organisms, including external page earthworms, protected page gammarus, external page oysters, snails and external page multi- generational studies with daphnia
- Impacts of nano- and microplastic on biofilm formation, periphyton fitness and external page trophic transfer
- Translocation of nanoplastics across external page fish intestines and body distribution of external page nanoplastics in trout
- Nanoplastic interactions with cells, influencing external page cellular signaling and cell viability
- external page Biotrubation of nanoplastics in soil by earthworms