New publication: Short Depuration of Oysters Intended for Human Consumption is Effective at Reducing Exposure to Nanoplastics

New publication: Potential impacts of atmospheric microplastics and nanoplastics on cloud formation processes

New publication: Embrace complexity to understand microplastic pollution

New publication: Uptake, distribution and elimination of palladium-doped polystyrene nanoplastics in rainbow trout following dietary exposure

New Publication: Systematic development of extraction methods for quantitative microplastics analysis in soils using metal-doped plastics

Go girls in science! New ECAM video online

Success at the second Microplastics Workshop for Early Career Researchers

New publication: Nanoplastics Removal During Drinking Water Treatment: Laboratory- and Pilot-scale Experiments and Modeling

New publication: COST Action PRIORITY: An EU Perspective on Micro- and Nanoplastics as Global Issues

Welcome Alice Pradel, new Postdoc in ECAM

Ph D grant funded: Plastics Underground

New publication: Assessing implications of nanoplastics exposure to plants with advanced nano metrology techniques

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