New publication: Short Depuration of Oysters Intended for Human Consumption is Effective at Reducing Exposure to Nanoplastics
Utilizing metal-doped plastics for easier quantification, we've assessed not just the uptake rate of nanoplastics in oysters but also depuration in typical time periods post-harvest to better understand potential (human) exposure
New publication: Potential impacts of atmospheric microplastics and nanoplastics on cloud formation processes
Do plastics make clouds? In this perspective, we explore the potential of how microplastics and nanoplastics could act as cloud condensation nuclei or ice-nucleating particles, affecting cloud formation processes
New publication: Embrace complexity to understand microplastic pollution
We've heard it before: (micro)plastic pollution is complex and is a wicked problem. In our new comment in Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, we say embrace this to holistically understand the issue.
New publication: Uptake, distribution and elimination of palladium-doped polystyrene nanoplastics in rainbow trout following dietary exposure
Earlier this year, we showed that nanoplastics could translocate the gut epithelium of fish in 4 h using a gut-sac model. We now show that this fraction can result in exposure to internal tissues, including the carcass, in live fish
New Publication: Systematic development of extraction methods for quantitative microplastics analysis in soils using metal-doped plastics
Are you searching for a good way to extract microplastics from soils? We've developed a new approach suitable for a variety of soil textures, including those with high organic and lignocellose contents
Go girls in science! New ECAM video online
As part of the Swiss Kangaroo Goes Science program, we made a video about our work in the lab for young girls in 7th grade to get motivated about their future in STEM!
Success at the second Microplastics Workshop for Early Career Researchers
Bringing together 13 leading experts from a wide diversity of expertise and 61 motivated students, we had a fun and intense week in Athens!
New publication: Nanoplastics Removal During Drinking Water Treatment: Laboratory- and Pilot-scale Experiments and Modeling
How effective are drinking water treatment plants at removing nanoplastics from surface waters? Check out our latest study to learn more!
New publication: COST Action PRIORITY: An EU Perspective on Micro- and Nanoplastics as Global Issues
As the Swiss member of the Management Comittee and the co-leader of two working groups for the COST Action Priority (WG 4: nanoplastics, WG 6: analytical standardization), we share our vision of how to progress this COST Action over the next four years!
Welcome Alice Pradel, new Postdoc in ECAM
Very excited for Dr. Alice Pradel to start working in the ECAM group this week after winning the ETH Postdoc Fellowship! Congrats again, Alice! Looking forward to studying nanoplastics entrapment in ice, fun in the lab, and fun in the Alps over these next two years!
Ph D grant funded: Plastics Underground
Our grant was funded and looking forward to work with an excellent group of researchers across Europe in the next years. Stay tuned for a Ph D position opening in Zürich fall 2022....
New publication: Assessing implications of nanoplastics exposure to plants with advanced nano metrology techniques
After many years, our "side project" of assessing nanoplastics uptake and impacts on wheat plants is finally published! We got to expand our suite of analytical methods to study plastics and understand the effects of this exposure route much better