New publication: COST Action PRIORITY: An EU Perspective on Micro- and Nanoplastics as Global Issues
As the Swiss member of the Management Comittee and the co-leader of two working groups for the COST Action Priority (WG 4: nanoplastics, WG 6: analytical standardization), we share our vision of how to progress this COST Action over the next four years!

Federici et al. COST Action PRIORITY: An EU Perspective on Micro- and Nanoplastics as Global Issues. Microplastics. 2022. 1 (2), 282 -290 external page See full text here
Abstract: Plastic fragments, weathered into or released in the form of micro- and nanoplastics, are persistent and widespread in the environment, and it is anticipated that they have negative environmental impacts. This necessitates immediate efforts for management strategies throughout the entire plastics lifecycle. This opinion paper was initiated by the EU COST Action CA20101 PRIORITY, which focuses on the need to develop an effective global networking platform dealing with research, implementation, and consolidation of ways to address the worldwide challenges associated with micro- and nanoplastics pollution in the environment.